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Destroy Medical Documents with HIPAA Compliance at A1 Shredding & Recycling

Our Team Will Destroy Your Sensitive Medical Information

Medical providers are responsible for protecting the privacy of their patients by properly disposing of sensitive records. If you provide medical services in Atlanta, GA or Miami, FL, A1 Shredding & Recycling can help you with this endeavor. Our company is certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID), meaning we have met all of the organization’s strict standards for document destruction and can safely destroy your sensitive medical information. Our employees have undergone extensive training in privacy, security, and proper destruction, so you can rest assured they will protect you and your patients by destroying your private information correctly and in compliance with local and federal regulations. Call us today to learn more about how we can serve you.

We Serve Clients in Atlanta, GA, and Miami, FL

With offices located in Marietta, GA, and Miami, FL, we are proud to serve two of the largest metropolitan areas in the Southeast. We have drop-off locations in the Atlanta area and we offer no-contact mobile shredding services in both places to make things simple for you. We know you are busy treating patients or dealing with insurance providers, so our team of specialists will bring a shred truck to you and safely destroy your documents. Never worry about handing over your sensitive information for it to be transported across town. We will shred your files right in front of your eyes for added peace of mind.

A1 Shredding & Recycling Complies with HIPAA Regulations

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires medical providers to destroy records in a proper manner before disposing of them. This means you cannot simply discard documents by throwing them into a wastebasket. The security of your practice and your patients is paramount, so let A1 Shredding & Recycling helps. We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and maintaining compliance with all HIPAA regulations.

A Medical Expert discussing Medical Records in Florida and Georgia

When You Should Shred Sensitive Medical Records

While all sensitive medical records should be destroyed when they are no longer needed, it is essential to do so with respect to local and federal regulations. Medical providers are required to follow state laws regarding document retention. HIPAA regulations stipulate records must be retained for six years from their creation date or last use, but state laws may extend that period. Our clients opt for shredding services under the following circumstances:

  • Documents and files have passed their required retention period
  • An office has completed a transition to electronic recordkeeping
  • There were clerical errors when completing patient paperwork

Types of Medical Records You Should Shred

HIPAA requires appropriate safeguards for medical records at all times. That includes the disposal of Protected Health Information (PHI). The Department of Health and Human Services deems PHI files to be properly disposed of if they are “unreadable, indecipherable, and otherwise unable to be reconstructed.” The following types of medical records are considered PHI and protected by HIPAA privacy laws:

  • Names
  • Dates
  • Geographic Identifiers
  • Phone Numbers
  • Fax Numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Medical Record Numbers
  • Biometric Identifiers
  • Full-Face Photos and Comparable Images
  • Social Security Numbers
  • Health Plan Beneficiary Numbers
  • Account Numbers
  • Certificate/License Numbers
  • Vehicle Identifiers and Serial Numbers
  • Device Identifiers and Serial Numbers
  • Web URLs
  • Internet Protocol (IP) Address Numbers
  • Unique Identifying Numbers, Characteristics, or Codes

Why You Should Choose A1 Shredding & Recycling

A1 Shredding & Recycling is committed to satisfying the document shredding needs of all our clients, but destroying medical documents with HIPAA compliance is among our specialties. We provide safe, secure document destruction practices at competitive rates. We offer flat-rate pricing with no hidden fees, so you will always know what to expect when soliciting our medical shredding services. Our team is proud to serve:

  • Dentists
  • Doctors
  • Hospitals
  • Medical Clinics
  • Nursing Homes
  • Pharmacies
  • Surgical Centers

Contact A1 Shredding & Recycling Today

If you run a medical practice or facility in Atlanta, GA or Miami, FL, you can count on A1 Shredding & Recycling to dispose of all your sensitive files. We have extensive industry experience and are committed to providing first-rate medical shredding services at affordable prices. Contact us today to request a free estimate.

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Delegate Your Shredding Today!