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Document Shredding & Purges by A1 Shredding & Recycling

Our Georgia and Florida Document Shredding and Purge Services keeps you both secure and compliant

Humans carrying shredded and purged documents in Florida and Georgia

Out with the Old!

If you’re doing a massive cleanout of old files and documents or you’re moving offices or homes, A1 Shredding and Recycling can help keep streamline the process while keeping your sensitive information secure.

Simply recycling unneeded documents or leaving them lying around can enhance the possibility of your sensitive personal or business information getting into the wrong hands. Our paper shredding services in Georgia and Florida help you and your business keep information secure and stay in compliance with privacy laws.

Our purge document destruction services are for cleaning out large amounts of documents, materials, business files, and paper. If you have a room that’s full of files and paper or piles and piles of boxes that need shredding as a one-off job, look no further than A1 Shredding and Recycling. The documents are securely shredded on-site at your office, home, or other location. Once all of your documents have been properly destroyed, a certificate of destruction will be issued for your records.

Legal Document Shredding Services in Georgia and Florida

How Do Secure Shredding Services Work?

Our one-time paper shredding services are designed to help you get rid of a large number of sensitive documents all at once. Simply call us for a pick-up, let us know how much you’re getting rid of, and we’ll come to your location to perform the job. Our uniformed, bonded and insured security specialist will conduct the shredding and present you with a Certificate of Destruction for your records.

A1 Shredding & Recycling has you covered!

Our simple Purge Services process:

  1. Call our Atlanta office at 770-795-9744 or our Miami / Ft. Lauderdale / SE Fl office at 786-753-1884 and our Orlando/Tampa office at   407-388-2800 to schedule a pick-up.
  2. Let us know the quantity of documents and the box types.
  3. We come out to you and complete everything onsite.
  4. You receive a Certificate of Destruction for your records.

The Benefits of Hiring A1 for Your Shredding Needs:

  • No Required Contracts
  • Billed monthly (electronically)
  • Flexible Options : Service may be modified or cancelled at any time without penalty
  • All service fees are flat rates. No fuel surcharges, admin fees or hidden costs.
  • You choose the type(s) of container(s). 35 Gallon Cabinet, 64 Gallon Bin, or 95 Gallon Bin
  • Compliance / Chain of Custody: A1 Shredding & Recycling provides a Certificate of Destruction with every service and a summary report with each monthly invoice.
  • On-call service available
  • All paper is recycled
  • A1 Shredding & Recycling is AAA Certified with NAID (National Association of Information Destruction)
  • A1 Shredding & Recycling is A Rated with the BBB

Who Is the Purge Service For?

Our purging service is perfect for any business or individual who is cleaning out bulk amounts of sensitive documents, businesses who are moving, residents who are moving, and residents who have large amounts of sensitive and confidential papers and documents. Clients that choose our Metro Atlanta document or Miami shredding and purge services want the added peace of mind of security and utmost confidentiality.

A1 Shredding & Recycling offers certified business records shredding, document shredding, and purge services in Atlanta, Miami, and surrounding areas. We provide a secure document shredding and document destruction solution and at great rates.

If you have a significant quantity of paper that needs shredding, call us today in Atlanta at 770-795-9744 or our Miami / Ft. Lauderdale / SE Fl at 786-753-1884 or our Orlando/Tampa office at 407-388-2800 to have it taken care of quickly and securely!

Contact Us

Fill out the form below with your shredding needs and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Delegate Your Shredding Today!